
"Where do broken hearts go?"

Sometimes there are hurts, that create holes so big in the heart, that fame can't fill them, that money can't cover, that adulation temporarily puts a bandage on . Really big talented hearts , can show through the art what it feels like. They can turn these things into beauty....but the hole itself creates bigger breaks...and sometimes we laugh, because we mistakenly interpret the sounds of the new breaks as that heart laughing with us. We may even worry about the holder of that precious breaking thing, knowing the signs because of our own soul fissures. A breaking heart tries to fill itself with things that are not so good for it . The hole doesn't care. It just wants to be filled. One can only hope , that after it collapses in on itself , that as it flies back home to it's source.. it can finally understand , that it was loved in ways , that the hole never let it truly see / That it is whole again.
...R.I.P Whitney Houston, Etta James, Don Cornelius, Amy Winehouse , and MJ

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