
If Its Magic, then why can't it be everlasting? If? If If Part 2

This is my if , hmm (?), never thought about that, I wonder as I wander, endless possibilities, keeping it unreal, smoking maybes , choices and consequences riff on if. After contemplating, shaking your head in disgust, nodding in agreement , or just bugging out on the flavor of what you just savored-please feel free to answer the following questions-or post your own ode to the twilight zone tone of this post (your own magic ifs).

*Denotes Lyrics from the song" If It's Magic?" by The Maestro Stevie Wonder

* If It's magic, then why can't we make it everlasting-like the sun that always shines? Like the poet's endless rhymes? Like the galaxies in time?*

1 If we were all blind, what would be our standard of attractiveness in another person?
Would their intelligence, voices (vocal tone),conversation , energy,or feel to the touch ( and what would be the etiquette of that?) become the ways in which we would determine who's hot?

2 If you could go back in time to observe any single event in history , what would it be?

3 If you could only own one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?

4 If you were a master musician and could choose 3 other musicians to work with you to create a masterpiece , who would they be?

5 If you could have one wish come true, what would it be?

* If it's pleasing, then why can't it be never leaving? Like the day that never
fails? Like on seashores there are shells? Like the time that always tells?*

6 If Obama had lost, what would you have done?
7 If you could spend 30 minutes uninterrupted with any living person -who would it be?

8 If you had a superpower-what would it be?

9 If you could throw a shoe at a world leader -who? why?

10 . If you could breath underwater or travel through space without needing air-which one would you want?

* If it's special, then with it why aren't we as careful as making sure we dress in style? Posing pictures with a smile? Keeping danger from a child?*

11 If you had a television spot that gave you 5 minutes to broadcast your message to billions of people all over the world, what would you say?

12 If Love is the answer, what is the question?

* If it's magic, then why can't we make it everlasting-like the lifetime of the sun. It will leave no heart undone. For there's enough for everyone?*

Bonus quote: De La Soul - You're smoking maybe's and ifs. And if if was was a splif -we'd all be hiiiiigh!

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